September 2015 Newsletter

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Dear Praying Friends,

Soon we will begin the final 10 week term of this school year! We finished the third term distributing John and Romans in 15 villages within a day’s boat ride from Baimuru Station. I know that God will bring about some eternal fruit from this sowing! And what great practice it has been for the students in just giving the gospel!

While we have been sharing living water, a number of physical water supplies have been drying up. This is supposed to have been our rainy season, but no rain has chosen to show up! The student’s rain tanks are nearly empty, and I expect they will be soon carrying water from my larger tank. During a similar weather pattern in 1997, some villages actually survived by drinking coconut water, as fresh water could not be found. Please, pray for rain for PNG.

Baimuru Station has had some interesting developments in the past months. Interoil, an energy company associated with the LNG project (liquified natural gas), has decided to try Baimuru Station as its supply hub. The current drought conditions have made a number of areas unnavigable for the barges used by the company. The size of the Baimuru River, and proximity to the Gulf of Papua, has left the Station open to barge access. Also, the fact that the ground they would be using in the Station is leased by Oilmin, and not owned by individual land owners, has also made it attractive to Interoil. What does this mean for us? Possibly, new families moving into the village!  An upgraded bush airstrip that would be open year round, and improved communication services could also be a result if this project proves to work well for the company.

I currently am on term break. I met Trina in Cairns, AU upon her return from the States. I will use this opportunity to get my hearing evaluated and the hearing aids serviced. When we return to Port Moresby we will buy supplies for the months ahead. The current fuel shortage in the capital, combined with the constant road construction and police road blocks, prompt me to ask for your prayers particularly for our safety during this time out of the bush.

Let me close with a special blessing. About a month ago, a family that had been absent from church for several years, returned  - and the father asked Pastor Danny for an opportunity to address the church, ask forgiveness for backsliding, and testify that living in opposition to God was not a path of blessing, and they had seen a big reaping of rebellion in the lives of their children.  Their repentance was so sweet. Well, this past weekend, one of their daughters was saved! God is SO GOOD! Please continue to pray for Leo and Loani, their one son and five daughters. God can work in reverse and give beauty for ashes. It would be wonderful to see all the family truly united in Christ!

So blessed to be your co-workers here!

Presenting the Person of Christ,

                    Wil & Trina Muldoon

                    September 2015

September 2015 pdf (220 KB)
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