Dear Praying Friends,

September began with a wonderful blessing: Two family members of one of our students (Aii) were saved! His oldest son, Saul, and his cousin (and childcare helper) Anna both responded to the Sunday morning message. It was a big encouragement to all of us. Please pray for continued growth for Aii as the spiritual leader of his family. In case you don’t recall, Aii is a widower.

Baimuru Baptist Bible Institute is on its last term break of 2024! One 10-week term left, and we will all enjoy our 4th graduation ceremony! About 100 hours of the past two terms have been spent on learning 20 Old Testament stories from Joshua, Judges, and Ruth, writing sermons and lessons from them, and developing the student’s preaching and teaching abilities. During this term break the men will each be preaching in either a Wednesday or Sunday night service at Baimuru Baptist Church. The women get experience in Sunday School, and the Saturday morning women’s class.

In our desire to make God look good here on the 15-acre mission ground, there is always some aspect of physical labor needed. New blinds were put up on Pastor’s kitchen. Three small bridges were built over drainage ditches, so we can get the mowers around better. Firewood was cut and stacked. We use a lot of this as all the students do their cooking over fires. The pull rope on the generator was fixed – I am always blessed when I realize God had me buy in advance the thing I was going to need in the bush!

I am especially looking forward to a preaching opportunity in November. One of our graduates is holding a two-day men’s meeting. Shem Baptist in Harevavo is the host, and today Pastor Murphy told me he was planning food for 60+ men. Pastor Murphy left our last pastor’s fellowship with a real burden for men. Three men in his village have come to Christ recently. Pray with me for good attendance, the right messages, salvations, and victories over sin! Perhaps God will call more men into His service, and BBBI could have a part in their training!

Trina and I had hoped for a brief escape from the bush and a chance to buy supplies during this term break. However, the wet, windy weather and lack of safe travel options are going to keep us put. In August two dinghies capsized, one incident resulting in fatalities. Mud closes our airstrip this time of year, and Tropic Air is not currently flying into the next closest airstrip due to a small accident, for which no one will take the blame! I was starting to think longingly about hot showers and cheese burgers!

I just wanted to remind you, our remote bush internet is very “behind the times”! Most of the time we have access to email; sending pictures usually works if they are reduced in size. Consequentially, let me encourage you to visit our website All of our recent newsletters, our salvation testimonies, my call to PNG, and some great videos are available there! We are blessed to have a Stateside friend post on there for us and send him material when we are out of the bush. We so appreciate your prayers, interest, and support.

Presenting the Person of Christ,
Wil and Trina

Miki preaching at Baimuru Baptist Church

Anna and Saul, now in God’s family!

Nola teaching Sunday School

New walls for the kitchen

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We thank you for your prayers and support toward reaching the people of Papua New Guinea with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.