I wanted to update you with an answer to prayer, and a great story of God’s specific care and goodness!
UPDATE: On the evening of April 4th, student Lynne Gideon gave birth to a healthy baby boy! He does not yet have a name, but he and his family are home from their short stay at Kapuna Hospital. Lynne’s labor began Sunday night, and Pastor Danny and Skipper Sam took her and her husband to Kapuna in our dinghy the next morning. Upon arrival, her labor ceased. Everyone had a quiet night’s sleep, even though they would have preferred to have been awake, praying for a safe delivery. Contractions were sporadic on Tuesday, so the staff wanted Lynneto stay and walk, seeking to kick the process into high gear. Pastor Danny and Sam returned the hour trip to Baimuru to pick up food, firewood, and mosquito nets for another night’s stay. And that was the special night! Welcome to the new little Kamea! What a blessing that he is born into a family of believers who will strive to raise him in a godly way! On a side note, this is the second time a current Bible Institute student has given birth, and BOTH times, it occurred on a term break!
There are so many ways that God looks out for us. Truly, we cannot but affirm, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” As you may recall, a year ago I had a double hernia surgery. I have been checked a couple times by doctors other than the original surgeon, but none had a clear explanation for me for the type of pain I was experiencing. Not another hernia, but something that seemed not completely healed –and would give me pain at the oddest times. For example,
I could use the weed-eater all afternoon with no problem, and then would feel a twinge and soreness following the use of a leather punch! On March 31st, as we came to the conclusion of a term, I had a chance to travel back to the hospital where the surgery was performed, and be examined by the surgeon.
Praise God, no kind of cutting for any repairs was necessary! I just have an issue with nerves and scar tissue. The doc explained it all very clearly, recommended a few types of physical therapy, and some suggestions about how to better use pain medication when needed. I was SO GLAD, and so relieved! Now Trina and I had booked the hospital lodging until April 14th (the whole term break) in case a surgery was needed, as I had to not only be discharged, but ready to travel by road and sea. So, since there were no medical issues, we just figured we would hop on one of the four daily flights from Mt Hagen to Port Moresby to continue our supply shopping. Nope!
Because of renovations at the Hagen Airport, and the fact that many others were on term breaks and flying around for Easter, Trina could book nothing online before Friday the 6th! Then she called a couple airlines on the phone, and got a flight for the 4th.
The hospital is nearly an hour from the airport. We were offered a ride into town with a vehicle that was picking up a hospital worker from a morning flight, and bringing into the airport a woman that was to be on the same evening flight with us. The pick up was at noon, which meant we would have a 5 hour wait that was to be on our flight, came out and said she would not be riding in because she had gotten a text at 6am saying her flight was cancelled. We had received no such text, so concluded we would still ride in and see what was up. Perhaps Aggie was just “bumped” due to her late booking. When we got to the airport, we went right to the check-in counter to confirm our flight, and told it was still on. And then we began our long wait.
In about a half hour, I got a call from a PNGAir worker letting me know that the five o’clock flight had been cancelled! Then she asked an odd question: How close was I to the airport? I replied that I was AT the airport! She told me to come to the check-in counter with our bags. There was space to leave on a flight that was boarding NOW! Within 20 minutes we were airborne for Port Moresby! The worker at the counter told us the people on the cancelled evening flight would be rescheduled for Sunday! What an amazing God to send us to the airport 5 hours early, JUST SO WE WOULD BE RIGHT ON TIME!!! Here in Port Moresby we are buying 5 months of household and ministry supplies, enough to get us through the upcoming rainy season. These two weeks we are out of Baimuru are a good opportunity to observe our new students in a different situation. It is good to see how people behave and apply what they have learned – when the teacher is not looking over their shoulder! Allowing for decision making, and the making of mistakes, is a part of practical discipleship.
We are so thankful for all of your prayers!
Wil & Trina
Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think… unto him be the Glory!–

29 dear folks have made a profession of faith in Christ at Shem Baptist Church, and last Sunday, Pastor Murphy baptized 17 of them! The church is really looking forward to a blessed celebration of the resurrection!

Pictures from the recent opening of the new meeting place of Liberty Baptist Church, Huruta village.
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